Goals-based Planning Does your bank account look a little thin after you pay all your bills? You’re far from alone. The Canadian household savings rate has been falling for the last 40 years, and the pace of the decline has been accelerating over the last decade.
Eldercare Between a wave of aging Boomers and longer lifespans, the number of elderly parents requiring family support is poised to surge in the coming years. Case in point, the number of centenarians has tripled since 2001.
Sleep Hygiene Deep, quality sleep is important to good health, but a large number of Canadians are not getting enough. One study suggests one in four Canadians aged 65 to 79 and one in three Canadians aged 35 to 64 fail to get enough sleep on a regular basis.
Email sent from Don Taylor - dontaylor@ipcplanning.com 35 Antares Drive Ottawa, ON K2E 8B1 © 2021 Investment Planning Counsel DISCLAIMER: This Report is written by the Investment Planning Counsel, a fully integrated Wealth Management Company. Mutual funds available through IPC Investment Corporation and IPC Securities Corporation. Securities available through IPC Securities Corporation, a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Insurance products available through IPC Estate Services Inc. Mortgage Broker Services provided by Invis Inc. (Lic.# ON 10801 / SK 315928) or Mortgage Intelligence Inc. (Lic.# ON 10428 / SK 315857). |